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You must consult your own licensed medical doctor for all your healthcare needs, including diagnosis, treatment, and for the interpretation of all medical statistics including Treatment Scores. You, as the user, assume the sole risk, and all risks, for making use of, or relying upon, the information, calculators, or other materials on this website. I am not responsible if your licensed medical doctor does not understand medical statistics or Treatment Scores, or if any patient, doctor, nurse, reporter, blogger, etc. does not understand medical statistics or Treatment Scores.
I make no warranties or guarantees of any kind. I cannot predict the future. I give no advice, and make no predictions, for what might happen in the future for you or anyone else that might undergo any type of treatment.
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You must consult your own licensed medical doctor for all your healthcare needs, including diagnosis, treatment, and for the interpretation of all medical statistics including Treatment Scores. The information on this websites should never be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified, licensed medical doctor.
Treatment Scores are for informational purposes only. Treatment Scores may be incomplete, inaccurate, harmful, or even cause death if used for treatment instead of consulting a licensed medical doctor. No medical advice is being given. I DO NOT CLAIM to cure, treat, or prevent any illness or condition. Nor do I provide medical advice or constitute a physician patient relationship. I do not form physician-patient relationships.
Contact your physician if you suspect that you are ill. Call emergency services (call 911 if available) or go to the nearest emergency room if an emergency is suspected. I am not responsible for any delays in care from using this websites.
I claim ZERO accuracy with Treatment Scores. I claim zero accuracy, because in medicine every patient is different, almost every statistic is a flawed statistic in some way, there are almost always estimations, and there is almost always bad or missing data. Averages may be used and no patient is average, every patient is unique. SEE YOUR OWN LICENSED MEDICAL DOCTOR FOR DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENTS, AND FOR UNDERSTANDING ALL MEDICAL STATISTICS INCLUDING TREATMENT SCORES. This website, or any of our information, should never be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified, licensed medical doctor.
I am not advocating any treatment, physician, medication, or anything but education. I am not saying any treatment is better than any other treatment for you or anyone else. The accuracy and certainty of all medical information is to be decided by your licensed medical physician and yourself during informed consent and shared decision-making.
I have an ownership in Treatment Scores, LLC. I sometimes link to books I have authored on and this includes affiliate links. This means I may receive compensation or commissions.
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National Library of Medicine NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS
Disclaimers regarding MEDLINE and PubMed.
The National Library of medicine is abbreviated NLM. Our websites sometimes use the National Library of Medicine (NLM) as sources. It is our understanding that to satisfy NLM use requirements a link to the source on MEDLINE®/PubMed® can be posted.
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NLM Licensing
Per NLM licensing, we want to be known in a “clear and conspicuous manner” on behalf of the NLM that we are not claiming to keep our references up to date from MEDLINE®/PubMed®. The dates of all abstracts and related data files from MEDLINE PubMed can be found within their database.
Everything on this blog is Copyright (C) Bradley R. Hennenfent, M.D. All rights reserved. I am also able to freely share anything from Treatment Scores, LLC, which is Copyright (C) Treatment Scores, LLC.
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